June 6, 2011

Dog Day Afternoon Pool Party - Part 2

Here is Part 2 of our first Dog Day Pool Party at Bluebird Farm.

 Still trying to figure out how to get those darn toys out of the pool without getting wet...

Tallulah just looks at me and whines to see if I will come over and get the ball out for her. She is spoiled and used to me getting things for her.

Now it is turning into a competition...who can get the ball out of the pool first or Tallulah might be saying to Nitro "you get the ball" and Nitro is saying "no, you get the ball"...

 Nitro getting close to the ball...

In this photo Nitro is using his paw to try to paddle the ball towards him without having to actually stand in the pool. He is such a "think outside the box" kind of dog.

 Tallulah watching Nitro's technique to see if it is working...

 Tallulah still watching and learning from Nitro...

 Nitro: Darn, still no luck!   Tallulah: What do we do now?

 Nitro is barking at the ball because he figures if he barks at he ball it will come to him. He has such a postive outlook in life...

 Drinking again. Maybe if he thinks if he drinks a lot of water he can empty the pool and then go get his ball.

Tallulah licking the wet ball and making it spin...

 Tallulah: Oh crap, I slipped and almost fell in!

 Tallulah: Whew! That was close!

 Nitro: Let me try this again.
 Nitro: Maybe if I stare at it long enough and use my magic powers it will fly out of the pool...

 Finally a dog in the pool! Tallulah: I will show that big white lug how a real dog can fetch a ball..

 I love her tail!!!

 Talluhlah: Gosh, this isn't so bad after all...

Nitro: Hey you, yes you over there in the middle of the pool, push that ball over here to me!

Update: Now Nitro gets in the pool and walks around but he has not laid in the water yet so I will keep you all posted.


  1. If Tallulah gave me that look of hers, I would be wrapped around her little paw. The curly tail is too cute! I hope Nitro has recovered from his busy weekend. xoxo

  2. Love, love, love this photo story! With 4 dogs only one of ours will venture into the pool.. and even he hasn't laid down in it yet.
