August 7, 2011

Special Effects Sunday Featuring Miss Lexi

Today on Special Effects Sunday I thought we should feature the head dog here at The World According To Lexi. Below are some special effects done on a few photos of Miss Lexi. She sure looks good for being ten years old.

 She is such a great little guard dog! Here she is on the back deck giving the world a piece of her mind.

 Mosaic Lexi

 Colored pencil Lexi

 I sing her to sleep all the time to the tune of "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey"....

Lexi "My Sunshine Sweet Heart"


  1. Looking good Miss Lexi!! Really like your rays of sunshine!


  2. I am a big Lexi fan!! She's adorable. By the way, I sing the same song to our hounds all the time. :)
